A downloadable game for Windows

Ruin Quest

Exploring in different areas, finding enough coins, and different ways to solve the problems and get to the end castle!


[for keyboard]
Camera RotatingDirection buttons
Zoom in+
Zoom out-

The game can also be played by a Controller.

About Design

The level is fascinated by the concept of box gardens (Hakoniwa), particularly how multiple levels can overlap and link together within a limited space. One of the most captivating examples is in The Legend of Zelda, where overlapping spaces are used to create POIs visible to players but not immediately accessible. This design not only teases exploration but also creates a sense of progression as players work to reach those areas.

I’m especially intrigued by how the shapes within a level—like pillars, arches, and stages—can subconsciously influence players' emotions and guide their movement. This is why my mood board includes images of castles, ruins, and arches; these elements evoke a sense of mystery and discovery that I want to incorporate into my work.

In addition, I also would like to try the cross shape in the main node: It is easy to get lost in overlap space, but the cross will be a powerful shape to guide and indicate the direction of the players. 


Assets: Kenney Assets

BGM and Sound Effect: zapsplat


Explore the ruins.zip 43 MB

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